Plan an event
You can rent a room for events like birthdays, workshops, cooking or some smaller gatherings.
The Museum can host a variety of events and family celebrations. The Museum helps to decorate your memorable moments!
Kalamaja Museum’s room rental prices:
Rent our kitchen for your own great event – it opens nicely into the garden:
Kitchen and garden together 50€ per hour, kitchen or garden separately 30€ per hour.
Come and hold your social event in Kalamaja’s living room or in our awesome classroom: 35-60€ per hour
The entire Museum can be rented on Mondays and Tuesdays; it is also available at other times by agreement.
E-mail and call us to ask for an offer, and come and hold your event at the Kalamaja Museum:
or (+372) 5309 9772
Suggestions for upcoming events can be sent to






Education room